Computer Science Faculty Research Interests
Systems security, cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, real-time systems
Computer vision, image processing, networking and medical imaging |
Tim Chamillard |
Computer science education |
Sang-Yoon Chang |
Systems security, network security, computer network, wireless network, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things |
C. Edward Chow |
Web systems/security, WAN load balancing, Internet network measurement, Wireless network planning, High speed networks/protocols, Distributed/optimal algorithms for network resource allocation, Interactive programming environments for network/protocol design |
Kristen Walcott-Justice |
Software testing and computer architecture with emphasis on software testing and debugging in resource-constrained environments |
Jugal Kalita |
Artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, information retrieval, natural language processing and machine learning |
Rory Lewis |
Creating machine learning tools for time-variant signal analysis in neurosciences |
Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Data Mining, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, and 3D Genomics |
Sudhanshu Semwal |
Computer graphics, wearable computing and virtual reality, computer-human interaction, medical applications, human animation and avatars, volume Rendering and visualization, realistic Images, ray tracing, computational geometry |
Qing Yi |
Compiler optimizations for high-performance computing, distributed and parallel systems, programming language design and implementation, automated code generation, systematic discovery of software vulnerabilities |
Xiaobo Zhou |
Cloud computing, Datacenters, BigData parallel and distributed processing, autonomic and sustainable computing, scalable Internet services and architectures, and computer networks and security Distributed, Sustainable, and Cloud Computing Systems (DISCO) Lab |
Yanyan Zhuang |
Computer networking (wireless), application fault diagnosis, mobile platforms, probability and statistics |