Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Computer Science at UCCS

The Department of Computer Science at UCCS provides comprehensive and innovative undergraduate and graduate programs. Our Computer Science programs cater to various interests and career goals - ensuring students are well-prepared for success in the rapidly evolving world of computer science and related fields.

A Message from the Department Chair

Jugal Kalita
Professor and Department Chair

Computer Science is the study of how computers, those ubiquitous machines that govern every aspect of our lives, are built, organized, and exploited to achieve objectives that humans have set forth.

Over the years, the Department of Computer Science at UCCS has excelled in preparing undergraduates for careers in the computing industry locally and nationally, by providing a wide variety of ABET-accredited classes of high quality. Most if not all of our graduates find lucrative employment opportunities even before they finish their senior year. We offer a Bachelor of Science (BS) program and several Bachelor of Innovation (BI) programs so that bright and ambitious students can follow their dreams for success. The department has over 500 majors across all the programs. We also offer several Masters's level programs to suit the needs of full-time students as well as working individuals in the area.

Our PhD programs, one in Computer Science and the other in Security have gained increasing national reputation during the past decade. Areas of faculty expertise include Computer Networks, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Biomedical Informatics, Game Design and Development, Optimized Compilers, Software Engineering, Virtual Reality, and Cyber-physical systems. Please visit the faculty Websites if you are a prospective graduate student. The current number of PhD students in the department is almost a hundred, a fairly large number for our size. 

The Department of Computer Science is proud to have on its faculty two NSF Career Awardees. The faculty members in the department receive grants from the National Science Foundation and other federal sources, and from industry regularly. The department is accredited as the National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education by the National Security Agency. Our graduates work in the industry locally and nationally, in firms like Lockheed Martin, IBM, MITRE, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, Google, Northrop Grummon, Atmel, ISS, etc. Intelligent Software Solutions (ISS), now called Polaris after a merger, headquartered here in Colorado Springs and Fredericksburg, VA, employing 1,100 people was co-founded by a UCCS graduate. Finally, ours is an aspiring and ambitious department, ready to reach higher grounds in undergraduate education and graduate programs, and research, development, and technology transfer.

Undergraduate Programs

The department offers several specialized undergraduate degrees, including:

  • Computer Science, BS
    This program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of computer science principles and practices, preparing them for various roles in the tech industry.
  • Computer Science, BA
    This program focuses on a balance of knowledge in software design and development, and effective impactful applications of computer, within a framework that will make a computing degree more accessible.
  • Computer Science, BI
    Students in this program focus on innovation and entrepreneurship while developing strong technical skills in computer science.
  • Computer Science Security, BI
    This degree focuses on cybersecurity and equips students with the knowledge and expertise to address the challenges of information and software security.
  • Game Design & Development, BI
    This program teaches students the foundations of game design and development, both in understanding project requirements and design patterns, while allowing students to pursue their interests through specialization tracks. 


Graduate Programs

The Department of Computer Sciences offers advanced graduate programs for students seeking to specialize in specific areas:

  • Computer Science, MS
    The Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science seeks to provide students with advanced understanding of topics in Computer Science, Software, and Hardware. Students are encouraged to explore topics in Computer Science they are interested in, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Programming Languages, Algorithms, and Game Theory. 
  • Computer Science, MS - Games & Media Integration
    The Master of Science (MS) in Computer Science - Games and Media Integration option is an interdisciplinary degree that gives all students a firm foundation in pursuing research and development in games, animation and movie making, VR/HCI, complex systems, and wearable computing.
  • Cybersecurity, ME
    The Master of Engineering (ME) in Cybersecurity prepares graduates with the critical knowledge and skillset needed in today's Network and Information Systems industries. Cybersecurity deals with operations that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation.
  • Software Engineering, MESE
    The Master of Engineering (ME) in Software Engineering aims to teach students to navigate, design, and develop complex software intensive systems. Students in this program learn the principles, techniques, and tools used in the creation and maintenance of user-friendly software systems.
  • Computer Science, PhD
    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science aims to prepare students to research and innovate on topics in Computer Science, with special emphasis on a specific area of the student's choosing, with the assistance of our professors and researchers. 
  • Security, PhD
    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Security is a unique specialty offer that prepares students to conduct multi-disciplinary research in areas of Cybersecurity, Physical Security, and Homeland Security within the context of personal, business, and government operations. 
  • Certificates:

Computer Science Courses


Department Faculty & Research

Research Areas

The UCCS Department of Computer Science is active many research areas, including:

  • Computer Networks
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Retrieval
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Wearable Computing Systems
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Medical Applications and Software
  • Game Design & Development
  • Computer Graphics and Rendering
  • Optimized Compilers
  • Software Engineering
  • Virtual Reality & Cyber-physical systems
Labs & Equipment

The department is supported by external funding from both public and private sources, including the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense.

Faculty publish in top-tier academic conferences and journals. Our high-quality research program is driven by graduate students pursuing PhD and Masters degrees as well as undergraduate researchers.

Our department is home to 10 different cross-discipline laboratories that allow students to better research and experiment their desired topic, complete with additional hardware, servers, robotics, and other devices. Labs emphasis various subjects including Computational Biology, Cybersecurity, Language Information and Computation, and Game Theory. 

CS Minimum Laptop Requirements

These recommendations are universal across the entire college and provide a basic format for all entry-level courses. As you move into a degree program or specialization, these requirements may increase based on the expectations of the program.

CPU4 core 2.4 GHz.4 core 2.4 GHz.4 core 3.0 GHz.
Operating SystemWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bit
Extras1 USB 2.0 or 3.0 Port
1 USB 2.0 or 3.0 Port
1 USB 2.0 or 3.0 Port


If you are a student pursuing the GDD track, please contact your instructor for advice.