Computer Science Research Areas

Computer Science

Research Areas & Faculty Interests

Research Areas

Software Engineering and Software Testing
Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction
High Performance Computing, Compilers, and Programming Languages
Computer Science Education
Computational Economics and Algorithmic Game Theory
Bioinformatics/Computation Biology
Quantum Computing

Faculty Interests

Gedare Bloom

Systems security, cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, real-time systems


Terrance Boult

Computer vision, image processing, networking and medical imaging

Vision and Security Technology (VAST) Lab

Philip Brown

Game Theory, Computational Economics, Automation & Control Theory, Sociotechnical Systems, Network Science

Tim ChamillardComputer science education
Sang-Yoon ChangSystems security, network security, computer network, wireless network, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things
Kristen Walcott-JusticeSoftware testing and computer architecture with emphasis on software testing and debugging in resource-constrained environments
Jugal Kalita

Artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, information retrieval, natural language processing and machine learning

Language Information and Computation (LINC) Lab

Rory LewisCreating machine learning tools for time-variant signal analysis in neurosciences
Shuai Daniel Li



Armin Moin 

Quantum-Classical Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering

Quantum-Classical AI and Software Engineering (QAS) Lab

Oluwatosin Oluwadare Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Data Mining, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, and 3D Genomics
Sudhanshu Semwal

Computer graphics, wearable computing and virtual reality, computer-human interaction, medical applications, human animation and avatars, volume Rendering and visualization, realistic Images, ray tracing, computational geometry

Games and Media Integration (GMI) Lab

Shouhuai Xu

Cybersecurity Dynamics, Cybersecurity Metrics and Quantification, Cybersecurity Data Analytics, Cyber Defense Decision-Making and Command-and-Control, Moving-Target Defense, Cyber Deception, Cybersecurity Human Factors, Adversarial Malware Detection, Critical Infrastructure Resilience, Bio- and Immune System-inspired Cyber Defense, Blockchain, IoT and CPS Security, Trustworthy Cloud and Edge Computing

Laboratory for Cybersecurity Dynamics (LCD)

Qing YiCompiler optimizations for high-performance computing, distributed and parallel systems, programming language design and implementation, automated code generation, systematic discovery of software vulnerabilities
Xiaobo Zhou

Cloud computing, Datacenters, BigData parallel and distributed processing, autonomic and sustainable computing, scalable Internet services and architectures, and computer networks and security

Distributed, Sustainable, and Cloud Computing Systems (DISCO) Lab

Yanyan ZhuangComputer networking (wireless), application fault diagnosis, mobile platforms, probability and statistics