Biographical Sketch
Dr. Chow received his B.S. degree in 1977 from the National Taiwan University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1982 and 1985. He joined the Computer Science Department in 1991 as an Associate Professor, and became an Interim El Pomar Chair in October of 2002. He was appointed as a Professor in July of 2004. Dr. Chow has taught a variety of courses, including CS 1150 Principles of Computer Science, CS 3010 Web Programming, CS 5020 Software Security, CS 5220 Computer Communications, CS 5250 Multimedia Computing and Communications, CS 5260 Advanced Web Systems and Internet, CS 5910 Fundamentals of Computer/Network Security, CS 6220 Distributed Networks, and CS 6910, Advanced System Security Designs.
Dr. Chow was the Principal Investigator of Secure Collective Network Defense Project, TNUA-UCCS International Cooperation on Human Body Movement Analysis project, Making Secure Information Sharing Easy and A Reality project, Network Restoration and Survivable Architecture project, as well as several other projects. He is presently working on web systems/security, WAN load balancing, internet network measurement, wireless network planning, high speed networks/protocols, distributed/optimal algorithms for network resource allocation, and interactive programming environments for network/protocol design.
Recent Publications
- HTEE: an HMAC based Tamper Evident Encryption, Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Cryptography 2010 Conference, 2010.
- Efficient Asymmetric IPsec for Secure iSCSI, Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Cryptography 2010 Conference , 2010.
- Improve Rehab Patient Care with Laban Specification and Wireless Sensor Tracking, scientific poster in 14th Annual Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), 2009.
- Yu Cai and C. Edward Chow, "Algorithms for Selecting Multiple Mirror Sites for Parallel Download," IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 7 No. 10 pp. 273-278, 2007.
- Xiaobo Zhou, Yu Cai, C. Edward Chow, "An Integrated Approach with Feedback Control for Robust Web QoS Design," Computer Communications, Vol. 29/16 pp 3158-3169, Oct. 2006.
- Yu Cai and C. Edward Chow, "On path selection for multipath connection," Proceeding of CISSE conference 2006.
- Ganesh Godavari and Edward Chow, "Secure Information Sharing Using Attribute Certificate and Role Based Access Cont," Proceeding of 2005 International Conference on Secure and Management, June 2005, pp. 269-276.
- Xiaobo Zhou, Yu Cai, C. Edward Chow, and Marijke Augusteijn, "Two-tier Resource Allocation for Slowdown Differentiation on Cluster-based Servers," Prof. of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 31- 38, Oslo, Norway, June 2005.
- Xiaobo Zhou, Yu Cai, Ganesh K. Godavari, C. Edward Chow, "An Adaptive Process Allocation Strategy for Proportional Responsiveness Differentiation on Web Servers," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2004, 6-9 July 2004. pp.142 - 149.
- C. Edward Chow, Yu Cai, David Wilkinson and Ganesh Godavari, "Secure Collective Defense System," Proceedings of GLOBECOM 2004, Volume: 4, November 2004, pp. 2245 - 2249.
- David Wilkinson, C. Edward Chow, and Yu Cai, "Enhanced Secure Dynamic DNS Update with Indirect Route," Proceedings of fifth IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Information Assurance Workshop 10-11, June 2004, pp. 335-341.
- C. Edward Chow, Paul J. Fong, and Ganesh Godavari, "An Exercise in Constructing Secure Mobile Ad hoc Network (SMANET)," Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Volume: 2, ,March 29-31, 2004, pp. 436 - 438.
- Kenneth H. Wenker and C. Edward Chow, "Analysis and Evaluation of an XML Database," Proceedings of IASTED Conference on Communications, Internet, & Information Technology, Scottsdale, AZ, on November 17-19, 2003.
- Angela Cearns and C. Edward Chow, "A2D2: Design of an Autonomous Anti-DDoS (A2D2) Network," Proceedings of IASTED Conference on Applied Informatics, February 2003.
- C. Edward Chow, Ganesh Godavari, and Yu Cai, "LSWS: Linux-based Secure Web Switch," Proceedings of IASTED Conference on Applied Informatics, February 2003.
- C. Edward Chow and Chandra Prakash , "Enhance Features and Performance of a Linux-based Content Switch," IASTED Conference on Applied Informatics, February 2003.
- C. Edward Chow and Indira Semwal, "Web Load Balancing Through More Accurate Server Report," Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Technologies, July-9-11 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.117-124..
- C. Edward Chow and Weihong Wang, "The Design and Implementation of Linux LVS-based Content Switch", Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Technologies, July-9-11 2001,, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 204-211.
- C. Edward Chow, Ganesh Godavari, and Jianhua Xie, "Content Switch Rules and their Conflict Detection," Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Technologies, July-9-11 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 325-330.
- J. He, C. Edward Chow, Jihui Yang‡ and Takafumi Chujo, "An algorithm for the measurement of available bandwidth," Proc. IEEE ICN'01, July 2001.
- C. Edward Chow, Jingsha He and Tomohiko Taniguchi, "NetLobars: A Simulation System for
Web System Design and Evaluation," Proceedings of ICCC'99, Tokyo, Japan, , Sept. 14-16. - C. Edward Chow and Hedlind E. Jonas, "POCAT: Power Control and Channel assignment Tool for Wireless Networks," 1999 IEEE International Performance, Computer, and Communications Conference, Feb. 10-12, 1999.
- C. Edward Chow and Anders Hansmats, "Design and Analysis of One Prong Network Restoration Algorithms," 1999 IEEE International Performance, Computer, and Communications Conference, Feb. 10-12, 1999.
- Hekki Julkuen and C. Edward Chow, "Enhance Network Security with Dynamic Packet Filter," Proceeding of International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, Oct. 12-15, 1998, pp. 165-168.
- C.-H. E. Chow and Dianne Ouderkirk, "Path-based two prong network restoration algorithm," Proceedings of IASTED applied Modeling and Simulation Conference, July 27-31, 1997, Banff, CA.
- C.-H. E. Chow, David Yule, "Performance and Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Network Restoration Algorithms," Proceedings of IASTED/ISMM International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 335-338, Pittsburgh, April 25-27, 1996.
- C.-H. E. Chow, J. Bicknell, and S. Syed, "Performance Analysis of Fast Link Restoration Algorithms," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 325-345, 1995.
Research Interests
Web systems/security, WAN load balancing, Internet network measurement, Wireless network planning, High speed networks/protocols, Distributed/optimal algorithms for network resource allocation, Interactive programming environments for network/protocol design