Bachelor's Degrees and Minors

Engineering and Applied Science

Bachelor's Degrees

The College of Engineering and Applied Science offers three types of undergraduate Bachelor's degrees, so students may pick the degree that suits their needs, interests, and future career plans best. As students evaluate which degree is best for them, they should research industry standards for careers, jobs, or specific employers, in addition to the specific academic content of each degree option.


Bachelor of Science

A Bachelor of Science degree is the industry standard in engineering and computer science. This type of degree is designed to provide foundations for immediate entry into a career field or a basis to continue to a graduate degree. The ABET accreditation status of the various Bachelor of Science degrees offered in the College of Engineering and Applied Science can be found at the links provided below. ABET accredited degrees may facilitate a graduate's goals of becoming a professional engineer in certain fields. Note that some employers require ABET accredited degrees or Bachelor of Science degrees. Students should research employers and industries to determine the best degree fit. 

Bachelor of Innovation

The Bachelor of Innovation in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and the Computer Science Program Criteria. Additionally, UCCS offers non-ABET accredited Bachelor of Innovation in Computer Science – Security, Data Analytics and Systems Engineering, and Game Design & Development. The ABET accreditation status of the various Bachelor of Innovation degrees can be found at the links provided below. Note that some employers require ABET accredited degrees. Students should research employers and industries to determine the best degree fit. 

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts is an applied degree with less emphasis on theoretical concepts and more emphasis on application of concepts. The Bachelor of Arts in the College of Engineering and Applied Science was created to meet workforce demand in Computer Science. The degree has four tracks in high-demand areas. This degree is not ABET accredited. Note that some employers require ABET accredited degrees. This degree provides foundations for immediate entry into a career field or a basis to continue to a graduate degree.

Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Data Analytics and Systems Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science Education Degree

A multidisciplinary education degree with a background in engineering.

Teaching STEM-Hands-on Education Degree - Engineering Education

Bachelor of Innovation™ Degrees

Bachelor of Innovation Degrees™ are a unique family of degrees available only at UCCS. Combining traditional degrees with an innovation core to teach the process of transforming ideas into impact and implementation.

Computer Science
Computer Security
Data Analytics and Systems Engineering
Game Design & Development

Bachelor of Arts Degrees

Bachelor of Arts degrees are designed to provide foundations for immediate entry into a career field or a basis to continue your education with a graduate degree. Bachelor of Arts degrees have different admission standards than the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Innovation degrees. The Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BACS) has four built-in tracks in high demand industry areas. The degree has maximum flexibility in general electives which allows the degree to be customized to a variety of student needs.

BACS-Track: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
BACS-Track: Cybersecurity
BACS-Track: Game Development
BACS-Track: Computer Science


Undergraduate minors in the College of Engineering and Applied Science are listed below. Students may opt to add a minor to their degree. Students are advised to consult with academic advisors to determine impacts of adding one or more minors, as it may affect the timing/completion of the major degree.

Minor in Aerospace Engineering

Minor in Computer Science

Minor in Computer Engineering

Minor in Electrical Engineering

Minor in Game Design

Minor in Game Programming +3D

Minor in Mechanical Engineering