Give To The College Of Engineering And Applied Science
About Giving

Through support of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, your gift can help ensure that UCCS is able to attract the best and brightest students. Many of the top students choose their school not only for the academic rigor of the institution, but also for scholarship opportunities available to them.
Engineering degrees are in high demand, and the employment outlook for engineering graduates is promising. At least 60% of jobs in the next decade will require STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) expertise, and engineering encapsulates all of the STEM areas. Your support of the College of Engineering creates greater opportunities for both learning and innovation.
How To Support The College Of Engineering And Applied Science
Engineering and Applied Science Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships for incoming Engineering Freshmen and returning Engineering students at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
College of Engineering and Applied Science
To support the College of Engineering at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
UCCS Science/Engineering Complex Construction and Renovation Fund
For the renovation of the existing Engineering building and constructions of new engineering buildings at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Your Support Matters
Through support of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, your gift can help ensure that UCCS is able to attract the best and brightest students.
“The College of Engineering and Applied Science is extremely grateful to our donors and scholarship providers. This partnership ensures our ability to provide exceptional education experiences to students who would not be able to access higher education without financial assistance. In addition to traditional students, the College supports first generation students, military veterans, and non- traditional and self-supporting students. Your gifts change the life trajectories of engineering students, enabling them to be successful and reduce the distraction of financial burden. Thank you for your generous support!”
- Dean, UCCS College of Engineering and Applied Science
Ways To Give
Gifts made in memory or in honor of a family member, teacher, student, or friend are generous and thoughtful ways to remember a person’s life and accomplishments. You can specify this when giving online or you can mention it to a member of our Advancement team when arranging to make a gift with their assistance.
Designate your gift to the area that matters most to you by leaving a lasting legacy at the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Making a gift in your will or living trust allows donors to make larger gifts than they otherwise might be able to give from their income alone. Learn more about the many benefits of planned giving, such as life-long income and tax benefits that can better provide for your heirs by minimizing impact on your estate. For more information visit the UCCS Planned Giving website, or contact development@uccs.edu or (719) 255-5100.
Make a gift to the College of Engineering and Applied Science online via credit card or debit card by selecting your area of interest from our online giving portal.
Call the Development Office at (719) 255-5100
Make your check out to the “CU Foundation” with the name of the fund in the memo box and send to the following address. If you have no fund in particular in mind, you can leave the memo space blank or choose a fund from our priority funds.
University Development
1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Many employers allow tax-deductible giving through payroll deductions. Additionally, if you or your spouse are employed by a company that provides a matching gift program, your contribution to the College of Engineering and Applied Science could be significantly supported. Check with your employer to see if you qualify.
You can choose to support the College of Engineering and Applied Science in many other ways like donating property, stocks, bonds, real estate, or gifts-in-kind. Contact development@uccs.edu or (719) 255-5100 for more information.