Industry Engagement

Industry Engagement for Results


The College of Engineering and Applied Science welcomes connections to industry for internships, employment, project sponsorship, research agreements, partnerships, and other types of engagement. The College has approximately 1,700 students in three academic departments - Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. We offer 24 different degrees: undergraduate, masters, or Ph.D. across the three departments.

Attend Hiring Events at the College

  • The College of Engineering and Applied Science hosts two Career and Internship Fairs during the Academic Year, one in the Fall (September) and one in the Spring (February). You can sign up to attend a Career Fair via Handshake.
  • Table in the Engineering and Applied Science Building during Table Tuesdays. Every Tuesday during the Academic Year an employer can improve their brand awareness and meet students. Email if you are interested.

Host Events on Campus

  • Host workshops, information sessions, knowledge shares, presentations, panels, meet and greets/networking.
  • Fill out this form if you are interested in hosting an event on campus.

Create an Internship Pipeline

  • Recruit students into your talent pipeline through for-credit or independent internships.
  • Develop a strategy with the college around your hiring needs.

Hire a UCCS Engineering Mountain Lion

  • Post your internships and jobs onto Handshake, the official internship and job board used by the college.
  • Interview our highly motivated, career-focused students – with over 25% of students being veteran-affiliated.

Post a Micro Opportunity for UCCS Students on Parker Dewey

  • We are excited to partner with Parker Dewey Micro-Internships - a powerful recruiting tool that allows our corporate and nonprofit partners to access, engage, and assess UCCS  talent through short-term, professional, paid work experiences.

  • Unlike a traditional internship, these project-based opportunities typically range from 10 to 40 hours of work in total, and most can be completed remotely. Not only does this help the students, but i allows you a low-lift, low-risk, cost-effective way to audition talent for longer-term roles, engage hard-to-reach demographics, and enhance your company's pipeline for future interns and new hires, all while getting immediate professional project support.

  • Learn more about micro-internships!

Improve Visibility

  • Sponsor a named scholarship with or without a possible internship.
  • Consider naming opportunities in buildings, labs, and collaboration spaces.
  • Align your corporate and social responsibility goals with gifts and donations.
  • Volunteer and mentor students through career events, club sponsors, professional expertise, and subject matter talks.

Develop a Research Collaboration

  • Partner with research faculty, departments, and labs to explore and solve critical problems.
  • Sponsor a graduate student to propel your unique project forward.
  • Email if you are interested in creating a research collaboration.


  • If you are an employer who would like to engage with UCCS students and alumni for recruitment or hiring, the most direct access is through Handshake, the official internship and job board used by the college. View Handshake Steps for Employers for steps on how to create a profile in Handshake with the ability to post jobs and internships that will directly reach our students and alumni.
  • Handshake Guides: Getting Started as an Employer and Posting a Job to Handshake.

Senior Design Sponsorship


Bring Real-World Engineering Problems and Experience to UCCS Students!

Engineering undergraduate students go through a capstone experience prior to graduation. External project sponsors (clients) bring real problems to the degree programs and students are formed into teams to address the clients’ problems over one to two semesters, depending on the degree program. Senior design projects aid in student transition from engineering student to practicing engineer.
Students are responsible for project planning and management, interacting with their project sponsor client, working as a team, learning about their problem’s domain, utilizing an engineering design process, understanding and effectively using all types of communication practices, and creating final client deliverables, in addition to fulfilling requirements of the senior design course.

Benefits of project sponsorship:

  • A dedicated and energetic team of 3-5 students working for 1-2 semesters to address a problem for your organization
  • A fresh set of eyes on your problem, perhaps shedding a different light on the issues surrounding it
  • A thorough test-run for the 3-5 students on your team as potential new hires in your organization
  • Exposure to the entirety of graduating engineering students for recruitment purposes
  • The knowledge that you are helping to educate the next generation of engineering professionals

Engineering Leadership Council - Industry Engagement


The UCCS Engineering Leadership Council exists to bring together industry and higher education to provide meaningful solutions to regional workforce needs, deliver world class education, and create positive benefits for the college, students, and industry. Membership is by invitation and encompasses senior management in relevant industry sectors.

Additional Resources

Contact Information

Megan Mrkonjich
Career and Industry Program Director, ENGR 250B

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