Faculty Cyber Research Interests

About Faculty Interests


These Computer Science Department faculty members produce research in all areas of cybersecurity. Sponsored research spans networks, security, software, threat detection, and defense.


Research Interests

Sponsor Agencies

Terry Boult

Video surveillance, biometric systems, optical system, intelligent cameras, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, wireless GPS-enabled sensor networks, steganalysis, shipboard surveillance. Other supported areas include addressing adaptive web-sites to support trauma patient recovery.

ONR, Army, SOCOM, Air Force, NSF

Tim Chamillard

Software metrics, dependency analysis, and software process improvement, accelerated learning through game technology.

Air Force SBIR

Edward Chow

Cyber security, secure collective network defense, secure storage protocols, network survivability/restoration, SOA security and reliability, load balancing, internet network measurement, wireless sensor networks, network resource allocation, human motion tracking/ reasoning, apply game technology in cyber security awareness, Information Fusion for Enterprise Intrusion Detection & Handling

AFOSR, ONR, Army SBIR, Air Force SBIR, TNUA, Peak Aging, ITRI CCL, Internet Business Skills, CASI, ITT

Jugal Kalita

Artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, information retrieval, computational linguistics, natural language processing and machine learning, ontology alignment, apply machine learning techniques to improve intrusion detection, multi-class classification using SVMs, extracting temporal, spatial and other relations from Web documents, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning of morphologies of Asian and other languages, clustering algorithms for biomedical data, gene micro-array expression data, enhancing micro-array clustering with biomedical databases and other knowledge sources


Rory Lewis

Neuro Endocrinology KDD, Music Information Retrieval, Bayesian Networks, Rough Stes, Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining, Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Granular Computing, Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, and VLSI


Sudhanshu Semwal

Computer graphics, wearable computing and virtual reality, computer-human interaction, medical applications, human animation and avatars, and volume Rendering and Visualization, Realistic Images, Ray Tracing, computational geometry, Medical applications in wearable computing; interactive surgery; gesture based interaction; brain-computer interfaces; complex systems applications using generative systems; 3D Movie making; human computer interaction; CUDA and iPhone applications.

Denver Museum of Nature and Science , TNUA, AFORS-NISSC, Sandia National Lab , Advanced Telecommunication Research Lab (ATR, Kyoto) Japan, and CRL Matsushita Electric, Osaka Japan, IBM.

Xiaobo Chales Zhou

Scalable and dependable Internet services and architectures, resource allocation optimization, end-to-end quality-of-service, and computer networks, Information Fusion for Enterprise Intrusion Detection & Handling

NSF, Army Medical Research, AFOSR

Gregory Plett

Linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering; dynamic system modeling; multiple-model multi-target tracking & information assessment; state estimation and control.
Heterogeneous multi-sensor data fusion and multi-target tracking using out-of-order sigma point Kalman filters, for an OSD project housed at USAFA.
Efficient hybrid- and electric-vehicle battery state and parameter estimation using bar-delta sigma-point Kalman filters. Present project with GM & UM is to develop controls for HEV to maximize life and performance of high-power energy systems.
Pursuing funding to initiate a $450K high-power battery testing laboratory at UCCS.

USAFA (OSD), Compact Power Inc., General Motors, University of Michigan (DOE)

Jennifer Price

Wireless communications networks, optimization, distributed resource allocation in communication networks, network pricing and economics, game theory.


Charlie Wang

Machine Intelligence, Computer Architecture, SOC System Modeling, VLSI/SOC Architecture, Digital IC Design, Embedded System Design


Mark Wickert

Wireless communications, signal processing, real-time DSP, and microwave/RF systems


Scott Trimboli

Data Fusion with SOA

Previous work with ISS