Cyber Research Projects
Artificial Intelligence Internet Search Engine & Information Retrieval
Artificial Intelligence
Internet Search Engine & Information Retrieval: Dr. Jugal Kalita
- Information Retrieval for Supporting Medical Research, working with Dr. Hodge of UC Denver Health Science Center.
Computer Graphic/Virtual Reality
Computer Graphic/Virtual Reality: Dr. Sudhanshu Semwal
- Crossover applications (IEEE VR2009 research demo); gender neutral learning environment (CRCW2009); Denver Museum Project (Spring 2009); 360 Studio (Fall 2008); Celtic Design (2008); Aroma applications in virtual environment (2008);
Cyber Security
Cyber Security: Dr's. Edward Chow, Tim Chamillard, Terry Boult, and Joe Zhou
- Secure Collective Network Defense, developed secure DNS with multiple indirect routing entries and indirect routing protocols to establish overlay networks and tolerate DDoS attacks, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
- Making Secure Information Sharing Easy & a Reality, Dr. Edward Chow. Role-based Access Control with Attribute Certification. AFOSR/TTO.
- Accelerated learning through serious game technologies, apply to insider attacks, Air Force SBIR with Tier-1, 2009.
- Information Fusion for Enterprise Intrusion Detection & Handling, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC $90,010).
- Secure Mobile Ad Hoc Network, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
- Secure Groupware for First Responders, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
- Detect & Prevent Rogue Wireless Traffic, with Professor Mark Wicket, (Sponsor ITT).
- Stegi @ Work, Dr. Tim Chamilard and Terry Boult, with CEI Inc, (Sponsor - $260,895).
- E-voting system with Pallier Threshold Cryptography Scheme.
Distributed & Internet Systems Research
Distributed & Internet Systems Research: Dr. Xiaobo (Joe) Zhou, sponsored by NSF, Army, AFOSR
- Resource Allocation Optimization for Quantitative Service Differentiation on Multi-Tier Server Clusters (Sponsor - NSF CNS-0720524, $162,850; Sole PI - Xiaobo Zhou)
- GPS-based Tracking Systems for Trauma Patients (Sponsor - Army Medical Research, $222,105; PIs - Terry Boult and Xiaobo Zhou)
- Improving measureable networking performance with QoS-adaptive technologies (Sponsor - AFOSR NISSC subcontracts, PIs Xiaobo Zhou, Edward Chow, Terry Boult
E-Commerce: Dr. Edward Chow
- Online E-commerce System Project (Sponsor - Internet Business Skill)
General topics of Interest
General topics of Interest: Video Surveillance, Target Detection/Tracking (EO/IR), Biometrics, Identity Management, System Evaluation, Low-power networking.
Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Multi-Target tracking
Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Multi-Target tracking: Dr. Gregory Plett
- Project to detect, localize, and track multiple targets using an autonomous flight of UAVs. Developed an out-of-order sigma-point Kalman filter to fuse measurements. Project housed at USAFA and sponsored by the OSD. Project PI at USAFA: Dr. Daniel Pack.
Human Motion Tracking & Reasoning
Human Motion Tracking & Reasoning: Dr's. Edward Chow and Sudhanshu Semwal, (Sponsor - TNUA)
- International Research Collaboration with TNUA (CC Dance Professor Yunyu Wang), UCCS, Gait & Motion Analysis Lab of Denver Children Hospital. Phase II project on Human Motion Tracking and Reasoning for Rehabilitation.
- International Cooperation with UCCS on Human Body Movement Analysis. Phase I.
Network/Web/System/Protocol Research
Network/Web/System/Protocol Research: Dr. Edward Chow
- Advanced Content Switch Design, sponsored by ITRI-CCL $220,516 grant 11/2000-2/2003.
- Implementation of Neuroguide Software Package, Dr. Sara Qualls, (Sponsor - Peak Aging 2008). Design a Secure Web System for Neuro-evaluation Result Interpretation.
- Distributed Network Restoration & Network Survivability Analysis. (Sponsor - MCI).
Recent Funded Research
- "Maritime Biometrics", ONR MRUI lead by U. Maryland with $1.3Million to UCCS for 2008-2012. Joint project with collaborators at U. Maryland, UCSD, and Columbia University
- "C2Fuse: Automated Image understanding for Command and Control", 1.7Million for 2005-2008. Joint project with subcontracts to V. Ramesh at Siemens CRC and S.Z. Chen UCLA.
- "I SEE: Innovation to Synergistic Entrepreneurial Engagement, NSF Partner for Innovation, M. Larson Co-Pi, $600,000 4/08-4/10
- "ALIVE: Augmented Live and Virtual Engine: ", NAVY Phase I SBIR with Combat Training Systems Prime. Campus subcontract (Base +Option) $30,000 . Base 4/08-12/08, Option 12/08-3/09
- "GPS-Based Tracking System for Trauma Patients", Navsys Inc, (ARMY STTR Program, Phase I) Total $100,000 8/04-2/05. Phase II 10/05-9/07 contract for $750,000 with a $225,000 subcontract to UCCS. (Phase II joint with X. Zhou at UCCS)
- "SyncEZ: Real time synchronization on Zigbee networks ", NIST Phase I SBIR with Navsys Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract $23,000 . 7/08-1/08
- "Web-based Empowerment Program for Disaster Victims and First Responders NIMH Phase I SBIR with TraumTech Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract 91,000 4/08-4/10
- "Improving Privacy and Security in Biometrics ", Securics Inc. (NSF Phase I STTR), 100,000 7/06-7/07. Phase II March 2008 - March 2010
- "FIINDER: FPGA-enhanced Image Intensified Network Detector with Embedded Recognition.", Securics Inc. (Phase II SBIR), Contract Base $750K, Options $700K, UCCS subwarard $120K 4/07-3/09
- "FAMME: Facial Analysis in Moving Maritime Environments", Securics Inc. ONR Phase I STTR), $100,000 7/07-5/08 Phase II July 2008 - July 2010. Base 500K, UCCS subaward 185K.
Vision & Security Technology Research
Vision & Security Technology Research: Dr's. Terry Boult (Director of VAST Lab), Joe Zhou, and Rory Lewis, sponsored by NSF, DoD, ONR, AFOSR, Army Research Labs, MDA, and NISSC.
Wireless Sensor
Wireless Sensor: Dr's. Terry Boult, Edward Chow, and Joe Zhou (Sponsor - AFOSR, NISSC, ARMY)
- GPS-Based Tracking System for Trauma Patients
- Network Layer Design for Networked Radio for Sensor Applications with Professor Mark Wickert and QDot, Army SBIR Phase I. $13,684.
- First Responder Sensor Networks, (Sponsor - NiSSC/AFOSR)