Cyber Research Projects

Artificial Intelligence Internet Search Engine & Information Retrieval

Artificial Intelligence
Internet Search Engine & Information Retrieval: Dr. Jugal Kalita

  1. Information Retrieval for Supporting Medical Research, working with Dr. Hodge of UC Denver Health Science Center.

Computer Graphic/Virtual Reality

Computer Graphic/Virtual Reality: Dr. Sudhanshu Semwal

  1. Crossover applications (IEEE VR2009 research demo); gender neutral learning environment (CRCW2009); Denver Museum Project (Spring 2009); 360 Studio (Fall 2008); Celtic Design (2008); Aroma applications in virtual environment (2008);

Cyber Security

Cyber Security: Dr's. Edward Chow, Tim Chamillard, Terry Boult, and Joe Zhou

  1. Secure Collective Network Defense, developed secure DNS with  multiple indirect routing entries and indirect routing protocols to establish overlay networks and tolerate DDoS attacks, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
  2. Making Secure Information Sharing Easy & a Reality, Dr. Edward Chow. Role-based Access Control with Attribute Certification. AFOSR/TTO.
  3. Accelerated learning through serious game technologies, apply to insider attacks, Air Force SBIR with Tier-1, 2009.
  4. Information Fusion for Enterprise Intrusion Detection & Handling, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC $90,010).
  5. Secure Mobile Ad Hoc Network, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
  6. Secure Groupware for First Responders, (Sponsor AFOSR-NISSC)
  7. Detect & Prevent Rogue Wireless Traffic, with Professor Mark Wicket, (Sponsor ITT).
  8. Stegi @ Work, Dr. Tim Chamilard and Terry Boult, with CEI Inc, (Sponsor - $260,895).
  9. E-voting system with Pallier Threshold Cryptography Scheme.

Distributed & Internet Systems Research

Distributed & Internet Systems Research: Dr. Xiaobo (Joe) Zhou, sponsored by NSF, Army, AFOSR

  1. Resource Allocation Optimization for Quantitative Service Differentiation on Multi-Tier Server Clusters (Sponsor - NSF CNS-0720524, $162,850; Sole PI - Xiaobo Zhou)
  2. GPS-based Tracking Systems for Trauma Patients (Sponsor - Army Medical Research, $222,105; PIs - Terry Boult and Xiaobo Zhou)
  3. Improving measureable networking performance with QoS-adaptive technologies (Sponsor - AFOSR NISSC subcontracts, PIs Xiaobo Zhou, Edward Chow, Terry Boult


E-Commerce: Dr. Edward Chow

  1. Online E-commerce System Project (Sponsor - Internet Business Skill)

General topics of Interest

General topics of Interest: Video Surveillance, Target Detection/Tracking (EO/IR), Biometrics, Identity Management, System Evaluation, Low-power networking.

Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Multi-Target tracking

Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Multi-Target tracking: Dr. Gregory Plett

  1. Project to detect, localize, and track multiple targets using an autonomous flight of UAVs. Developed an out-of-order sigma-point Kalman filter to fuse measurements. Project housed at USAFA and sponsored by the OSD. Project PI at USAFA: Dr. Daniel Pack.

Human Motion Tracking & Reasoning

Human Motion Tracking & Reasoning: Dr's. Edward Chow and Sudhanshu Semwal, (Sponsor - TNUA)

  1. International Research Collaboration with TNUA (CC Dance Professor Yunyu Wang), UCCS, Gait & Motion Analysis Lab of Denver Children Hospital. Phase II project on Human Motion Tracking and Reasoning for Rehabilitation.
  2. International Cooperation with UCCS on Human Body Movement Analysis. Phase I.

Network/Web/System/Protocol Research

Network/Web/System/Protocol Research: Dr. Edward Chow

  1. Advanced Content Switch Design, sponsored by ITRI-CCL $220,516 grant 11/2000-2/2003.
  2. Implementation of Neuroguide Software Package, Dr. Sara Qualls, (Sponsor - Peak Aging 2008). Design a Secure Web System for Neuro-evaluation Result Interpretation.
  3. Distributed Network Restoration & Network Survivability Analysis. (Sponsor - MCI).

Recent Funded Research

  1. "Maritime Biometrics", ONR MRUI lead by U. Maryland with $1.3Million to UCCS for 2008-2012. Joint project with collaborators at U. Maryland, UCSD, and Columbia University
  2. "C2Fuse: Automated Image understanding for Command and Control", 1.7Million for 2005-2008. Joint project with subcontracts to V. Ramesh at Siemens CRC and S.Z. Chen UCLA.
  3. "I SEE:  Innovation to Synergistic Entrepreneurial Engagement, NSF Partner for Innovation,  M. Larson Co-Pi, $600,000  4/08-4/10
  4. "ALIVE: Augmented Live and Virtual Engine: ", NAVY Phase I SBIR with Combat Training Systems Prime. Campus subcontract (Base +Option) $30,000 . Base 4/08-12/08, Option 12/08-3/09
  5. "GPS-Based Tracking System for Trauma Patients", Navsys Inc, (ARMY STTR Program, Phase I) Total $100,000 8/04-2/05. Phase II 10/05-9/07 contract for $750,000 with a $225,000 subcontract to UCCS. (Phase II joint with X. Zhou at UCCS)
  6. "SyncEZ: Real time synchronization on Zigbee networks ", NIST Phase I SBIR with Navsys Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract $23,000 . 7/08-1/08
  7. "Web-based Empowerment Program for Disaster Victims and First Responders NIMH Phase I SBIR with TraumTech Inc as Prime. Campus subcontract 91,000 4/08-4/10
  8. "Improving Privacy and Security in Biometrics ", Securics Inc. (NSF Phase I STTR), 100,000 7/06-7/07. Phase II March 2008 - March 2010
  9. "FIINDER: FPGA-enhanced Image Intensified Network Detector with Embedded Recognition.", Securics Inc. (Phase II SBIR), Contract Base $750K, Options $700K, UCCS subwarard $120K 4/07-3/09
  10. "FAMME: Facial Analysis in Moving Maritime Environments", Securics Inc. ONR Phase I STTR), $100,000 7/07-5/08 Phase II July 2008 - July 2010. Base 500K, UCCS subaward 185K.

Vision & Security Technology Research

Vision & Security Technology Research: Dr's. Terry Boult (Director of VAST Lab), Joe Zhou, and Rory Lewis, sponsored by NSF, DoD, ONR, AFOSR, Army Research Labs, MDA, and NISSC.

Wireless Sensor

Wireless Sensor: Dr's. Terry Boult, Edward Chow, and Joe Zhou (Sponsor - AFOSR, NISSC, ARMY)

  1. GPS-Based Tracking System for Trauma Patients
  2. Network Layer Design for Networked Radio for Sensor Applications with Professor Mark Wickert and QDot, Army SBIR Phase I. $13,684.
  3. First Responder Sensor Networks, (Sponsor - NiSSC/AFOSR)