Electrical and Computer Engineering Labs General Information

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Labs

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department has a variety of labs to enhance the learning of undergraduates and graduates in their education and research. With state of the art technology, the students get hands-on experience in many aspects of electrical and computer engineering. A short description of each lab follows.


Student Labs

Cadence University Program
The Communications and Signal Processing Laboratory (CSPL)
The Control-Systems Laboratory (CSL)
Electromagnetics Laboratory (Anechoic Chamber)
The Electromagnetics Laboratory (EML)
The Electronics Laboratory (ECL)
Additional Labs:

Research Labs

Microelectronics Research Laboratory
GATE Center of Excellence in Innovative Drivetrains in Electric Automotive Technology Education (IDEATE)

Access to labs is generally during class time only. Access will be granted only for posted building hours. No access may be given after business hours or on official state holidays when the buildings are closed.

For additional information, please contact the ECE Department.