Electrical and Computer Engineering Minors


The minor in Electrical Engineering requires at least 22 credit hours of course work and every course in the minor must be completed with a grade of C or better. The student will be responsible for any prerequisites to required courses. At most, 9 credit hours of transfer work may be applied to the minor.

Minor courses are as follows:

Required Core Courses (10 hours)
ECE 1001-3 Introduction to Robotics
ECE 1021-3 Computer Based Modeling & Methods in Engineering
ECE 2610-4 Introduction to Signals and Systems


Choose one of the following areas:
Computers (12 hours)
ECE 1411-2 Logic Circuits I
ECE 2411-2 Logic Circuits II
ECE 3420-1 Microprocessor Systems Laboratory
ECE 3430-3 Introduction to Microcomputer Systems
ECE 3440-1 Microcomputer Systems Laboratory
ECE 4480-3 Computer Architecture and Design


Electronics (15 hours)
ECE 2050-3 Introduction to Physical Electronics
ECE 2205-4 Circuits and Systems I
ECE 3210-3 Electronics I
ECE 3220-3 Electronics II
ECE 3230-1 Electronics Laboratory I
ECE 3240-1 Electronics Laboratory II

Electromagnetics (13 hours)
ECE 2205-4 Circuits and Systems I
ECE 3110-3 Electromagnetic Fields I
ECE 3120-3 Electromagnetic Fields II
ECE 4110-3 Electromagnetic Theory and Applications

Systems (14 hours)
ECE 2205-4 Circuits and Systems I
ECE 3205-4 Circuits and Systems II
ECE 3610-3 Engineering Probability & Statistics

And one of the following:
ECE 4510-3 Feedback Control Systems
ECE 4625-3 Communication Systems I


To declare a minor contact the Academic Advising.

For additional information, please contact the ECE Department.

The minor in Computer Engineering requires at least 25 credit hours of course work. A 2.0 minimum is required on all coursework. The student will be responsible for any prerequisites to required courses.


Minor courses are as follows:
ECE 1001-3 Introduction to Robotics
ECE 1021-3 Computer Based Modeling and Methods in Engineering
ECE 1411-2 Logic Circuits I
ECE 2411-2 Logic Circuits II
ECE 3420-1 Microprocessor Systems Laboratory
ECE 3430-3 Introduction to Microcomputer Systems
CS 115-3 Principles of Computer Science
CS 145-3 Data Structures & Algorithms
CS 208-2 Programming in UNIX
CS 330-3 Software Engineering

students working in a robotics lab


To declare a minor contact the Academic Advising.

For additional information, please contact the ECE Department.

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