Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Program Overview

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). This research-oriented academic degree is appropriate either as a terminal degree or in preparation for doctoral studies in Electrical and Computer engineering.

The MSEE program consists of coursework and research in advanced Electrical and Computer engineering topics, with focus areas in Microelectronics, Wireless Communications, Electromagnetics, Controls and High-Power Batteries, Programmable Logic, Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Digital Signal Processing, and Electric Power. Graduate students can pursue their MSEE degree via independent study projects in on-going interdisciplinary research programs or work as research assistants on sponsored research projects. Courses at the graduate level are often offered in the late afternoon or evening to enable students from local industry to complete their studies.

P.h.D in Engineering - Electrical Engineering

Program Overview

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program. The Ph.D. degree is conferred on students who have demonstrated substantial quality work and achievements in a specific field of research in ECE, technical competence, and communications skills. Working under supervision of highly qualified faculty, Ph.D. students develop the skills and the ability to become independent researchers and make original contributions to the field. The degree is conferred after the student has satisfied both coursework and dissertation requirements. The Ph.D. program in ECE started in 1987 as a coordinated program with the ECE program at the University of Colorado Boulder, although presently, these programs run independently. Over the past 25 years, the ECE Department at UCCS has graduated hundreds of Ph.D. students who work in academia, industry, as well as innovators and venture capitalists. They are all well employed in by leading companies such as Qualcomm, Broadcom, INTEL, Infineon, IBM, TSMC, ASM Lithography, and Microchip.   The Ph.D. program in the ECE department is continuously supported by NSF, ONR, NIST, NASA, DOE, ARO, GM, FORD, CUMINs and several small companies.

Power and Energy Systems Graduate Certificate 

Program Overview

The UCCS Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers a Certificate in Power and Energy Systems Engineering based on a set of four graduate courses. This certificate is for qualified professionals who want to advance their knowledge of the operation and design of electric power systems. It is also valuable for degree-seeking students looking to develop concentration that gives them an edge in their power engineering career path. The courses can constitute 40% of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. It can also be used in the Ph.D. in the Electrical Engineering degree program. Courses will begin with fundamental topics in power systems engineering, electric machines, and power electronics, then continue to cover more advanced topics, such as power system operation. Furthermore, electives will allow students to specialize in areas such as, battery management and control, or renewable energy and distributed generation.



Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers coursework and thesis supervision leading to the degree Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE).

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

PhD in Engineering - Concentration in Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering supports a PhD program with a Concentration in Electrical Engineering as part of the PhD in Engineering degree.

PhD in Engineering - Concentration in Electrical Engineering

Power and Energy Systems Graduate Certificate

UCCS Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers a Graduate Certificate in Power and Energy Systems Engineering based on a set of four graduate courses.

Power and Energy Systems Graduate Certificate