Dr. Lynnane George
Associate Professor of Teaching • Space Systems, STEM Education, Robotics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
AEC 208
AEC 208
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002 - MS, Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989 - BS, Mechanical Engineering, High Honor
Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 2024 - present - Senior Instructor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, 2018 - 2024 - Professor, Space Systems
Webster University, Colorado Springs, 2010 - present - Adjunct Associate Professor, Engineering
Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs, 2009 - 2018 - Adjunct Instructor, Department of Math and English
Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Springs, 2010 - 2018 - Associate Professor, Department of Astronautics
US Air Force Academy, 2005 - 2009 - Acquisition Command Trainer/Mentor
Office of Military Cooperation - Afghanistan, 2004 - 2005 - Chief, Spacecraft Component Technology Division, Space Vehicles Directorate
Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM, 2002 - 2005 - Assistant Professor, Department of Astronautics
US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, 1995 - 1999 - Mission Manager, Titan IV Program Office
Los Angeles AFB, CA 1991 - 1995 - Education with Industry, The Aerospace Corporation
Los Angeles, CA 1990 - 1991 - Manager, Mechanical Engineering Branch, Defense Satellite Communication System
Los Angeles AFB, CA 1989 - 1990
Professional Affiliations
- Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Faculty Advisor, UCCS AIAA Student Chapter
- Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Teaching at UCCS
- MAE 1503, Introduction to Engineering Design
- MAE 1602, Principles of Aerospace Engineering
- MAE 2055, Mechetronics
- MAE 2104, Engineering Mechanics II - Dynamics
- MAE 4055, Robotics
- MAE 4150, Mechanical Vibrations
- MAE 4402, Intermediate Dynamics
- MAE 4410, Astrodynamics
- MAE 4425/5091, Space Environment
- MAE 4470, Space Systems Engineering
- MAE 4510/11, Engineering Design
- SPCE 5065, Space Environmental Interactions
Teaching Activities
- Colorado Department of Higher Education Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant to write textbook, "Orbital Mechanics"
- Community Lead: Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Mission 18 Free-Fall Flight Experiment to the International Space Station, Spring 2024.
- UCCS Lead, NASA Solar Eclipse Initiative to view Annular and Total Solar Eclipses in Oct 2023 and April 2024
- UCCS Mentor, Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone (GLEE) Lunar Space Mission
- Undergraduate Research Projects
- Development of a Drone Based Robot for In-Space Servicing and Maintenance
- A Dual Approach for Developing Efficient Human Round Trip Trajectories to Mars and Ceres
- Development of a Mars Rover Utilizing Decoupled Axis System Base
Volunteer Activities
- Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technology Program Evaluator, 2006 - present
- Board of Directors, Cool Science 501C3 Nonprofit, 2007 - present
- The mission of Cool Science is to promote the wonder and understanding of science by providing engaging, intimidation-free, interactive learning experiences. (indent)
- Outreach Director, KKrish Energy, 2021 - present
- STEM Outreach, invited speaker in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) Encourage students to pursue STEM careers. 2002 – Present.
Awards and Honors
- Educator of the Year, Colorado Technical University, 2016
- US Air Force Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Role Model Award, 2008
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Educator of the Year Award, Rocky Mountain Section, 2008
- American Society for Engineering Education, Best Paper Award (out of 43), Freshman Programs Division, Second Place, ASEE Conference, 2007
- Georgia Institute of Technology Callahan Military Graduate Student Award for the Air Force, Outstanding Paper, 2002
- US Air Force Academy Department of Astronautics Company Grade Officer of the Year, 1997
- US Air Force Academy Outstanding Military Woman, March 1997
- UCCS Open Educational Resources Champion Award, 2021
Open Educational Resources
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Introduction to Orbital Mechanics: This textbook is designed to cover fundamental information and provide insight into orbital mechanics.
Portable Orbital Demonstrator (POD): The POD is a 3D printed device to help students visualize satellite orbits