Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Courses

Course Listing

To access a full catalog, please refer to the UCCS Academic Catalog.

MAE 1502: Principles of Engineering

Introduces the field of engineering. Explores various technology systems and manufacturing processes to demonstrate how engineers use math, science, and technology in an engineering problem solving process. The course also includes an examination of social and political implications of technology.
Corequisites: MATH 1050 or MATH 1120 or higher.

MAE 1503: Introduction to Engineering Design

Problem-solving skills using a design development process. Models of product solutions are created, analyzed and communicated using computer-aided design software, including 2D orthographic projections and 3D isometric views, pictorial drawings, technical sketching, dimensioning, sectioning, working drawings, wireframe, and solid modeling.

MAE 2055: Mechetronics I

An introductory course in analog and digital electronic circuits for mechanical engineers. Ohm's Law, and Kirchoff's current and voltage laws are introduced and applied to the analysis of resistive circuits. Operation and use of common test equipment is discussed and practiced. Fundamental signal analysis and data analysis are also covered.
Prerequisites: MATH 136; coreq., MATH 381, PES 112.

MAE 2103: Engineering Mechanics I

Force vectors, moments of force, equilibrium of a particle and rigid bodies, structural analysis and trusses, internal forces and shear, friction, center of gravity and mass, moments of inertia, and virtual work.

Prerequisites: MATH 135, PES 111, MAE 1503 or consent of instructor.

MAE 2104: Engineering Mechanics II

Dynamics of a particle; kinetics of a system of particles; kinematics of rigid bodies in two and three dimensions; free and forced vibrations with and without viscous damping.
Prerequisites: MAE 2103. Coreq., MATH 340.

MAE 2200: Materials Engineering

Introduction to engineering materials emphasizing metals and alloys and including ceramins and plastics.  Principles behind material development, selection and behavior are discussed with special emphasis on relevance to load-bearing applications.  The relationship between microscopic characteristics and their effect on macroscopic properties will be explored.  The lab component will involve metallurgical testing and analysis of common material processing techniques.

MAE 2301: Thermodynamics I

First and second laws of thermodynamics. Properties, states, thermodynamic functions, entropy, and probability.

Prerequisites: MATH 135 and PES 111.

MAE 3005: Engineering Measurement Laboratory

Fundamental technical measurement techniques, measurement processes, analog and digital measurements, system response, sensors, signal conditioning, readout data processing, measurement standards and treatment of uncertainties; applied mechanical measurements: counters, displacement, stress and strain, force and torque, temperature, and pressure.
Prerequisites: MATH 340 and MAE 3055.

MAE 3130: Fluid Mechanics

An introduction to fluid mechanics, continuums, velocity and stress fields, viscous and inviscid flows; laminar and turbulent flows, compressible and incompressible flows, internal and external flows, hydraulic systems, buoyancy and stability, stream functions, and Navier-Stokes Equations.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301 and ENGL 309.

MAE 3201: Strength of Materials

The theory and application of the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials, including stress, strain, mechanical properties of materials, axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear, combined loadings, stress transformation, strain transformation, design of beams and shafts, deflections of beams and shafts, buckling of columns, and energy methods.

Prerequisites: MAE 2103 and MATH 136. Co-req., ENGL 309.

MAE 3302: Thermodynamics II

Applications of classical thermodynamics including analysis of gas and vapor cycles for power production and refrigeration, thermodynamic property relationships, psychrometrics and combustion.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301.

MAE 4310: Heat and Mass Transfer

The principles of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation; steady-state and transient conduction, thermal contact resistance, insulation, heat capacity; forced and natural convection, velocity and thermal boundary layers, fluid flow: radiation from blackbodies, surfaces and the sun.
Prerequisites: MATH 313, MATH 340, MAE 3130.

MAE 3342: Engineering Economy

Economic decision- making, professional ethics, business records, net worth and profit and loss calculation, engineering law and contract agreements.
Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor consent.

MAE 3401: Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems

Course presents basic concepts of dynamic behavior, and the analytic and computational techniques for predicting and assessing dynamic behavior. Modeling a basic system, compound system, dynamic stability and natural behavior and response to continuing and abrupt inputs are presented.
Prerequisites: MATH 340, MAE 2104 and (MATH 381 or ECE 3610), knowledge of MATLAB.

MAE 3501: Machine Design I

Applied stress analysis and material strength theories for sizing and selecting materials of machine elements, failure and reliability. Selection of fasteners, bearings, gears, springs.
Prerequisites: MAE 3201, MAE 2104.

MAE 4120: Machine Design II

Kinematic theory of planar mechanisms; position, velocity and acceleration analysis, coupler curves, centrodes, analysis and synthesis of 4 bar linkage, engine dynamics.
Prer. MAE 3501, and MATH 313.

MAE 4131: Computational Fluid Dynamics

This introductory course provides an overview of the underlying numerical methods used in CFD. Students will utilize MATLAB and COMSOL. MATLAB will be used to develop/implement a basic CFD program, providing insights and hands-on experience with the underlying methods used in CFD and the resulting limitations of CFD software. COMSOL will be used to explore a broad range of engineering applications that can benefit from CFD analysis.
Prerequisites: MAE 3130. Meets with MAE 5131.

MAE 4135: Aerodynamics

Airfoil and wing aerodynamics, thin airfoils, finite-span wings, compressible and incompressible flow, nozzle theory. Intro to numerical methods in aerodynamics.
Prerequisites: MAE 3130.

MAE 4150: Vibrations

Free and forced singledegree of freedom systems. Damping: Rayleigh, Coulomb, hysteretic, and viscous. Harmonic motion, frequency-domain representation, harmonic forcing. General forcing, convolution, and response spectra. Computational techniques for solving simple vibration problems.
Prerequisites: MATH 340, MAE 2102, C S 115 or equivalent.

MAE 4155: Introduction to Composite Materials

Polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composites. Anisotropic and orthotropic elasticity, rotation and layering of laminas, properties of laminate structures. Failure theories: Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu. Hygrothermal and piezoelectric strains/stresses in composites. Computation of composite behavior.
Prerequisites: MAE 2101, MAE 3201 and MATH 313.

MAE 4310: Heat and Mass Transfer

The principles of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation; steady-state and transient conduction, thermal contact resistance, insulation, heat capacity; forced and natural convection, velocity and thermal boundary layers, fluid flow: radiation from blackbodies, surfaces and the sun.
Prerequisites: MATH 313, MATH 340, MAE 3130.

MAE 4316: Propulsion

Basic concepts of aerospace propulsion. Foundational concepts of thermodynamics, compressible flow, and boundary layer theory. Characteristics, operation and analysis of turbine engines. Characteristics, operation and analysis of rocket engines.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301 and MATH 340.

MAE 4320: Sustainable Energy Systems

Application of energy systems with a focus on sustainability. Fundamentals of sustainability. Principlies of sustainable applications in energy production. Energy system designs iincluding (but not limited to) solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. Fundamentals of economics and political ramifications of sustainable energy applications. Approved for Compass Curriculum. Prerequisites: MAE 3130 Corequisite: MAE 3302

MAE 4402: Intermediate Dynamics

Kinematics, relative motion, and rotation of particles and rigid bodies, including inertia tensors, Euler's angles and equations. Variational principles, work, energy expressions, and Lagrange's equations. Electrical circuits and electromechanical systems.
Prerequisites: MAE 2102 or equivalent, MATH 340 and MATH 313.

MAE 4405: Human Kinetics

Forces and motion of human activities such as walking, running and sports.  Anatomical overview of the musculoskeletel system, including joint classification and modeling.  Statis analysis of the muscoskeletel system.  Forward and inverse dynamic modeling/analysis using rigid  body and multi-link models.

MAE 4410: Fundamentals of Astrodynamics

Development and application of the fundamental principles of astrodynamics to satellite motion. Study of coordinate systems, time keeping, computation of orbits, and introduction to perturbation theory.
Prerequisites: MAE 2102 and MATH 313.

MAE 4415: Flight Dynamics

Advanced treatment of the flight dynamics of atmospheric flight vehicles and spacecraft. Rigorous development of non-linear equations of motion, including environmental and propulsive forces. Linearization via small perturbation methods limitations, transient response, stability, natural modes. Intro to simulation techniques.
Prerequisites: MAE 3401 and MAE 4402. Meets with MAE 5415.

MAE 4421: Automatic Control of Aerospace and Mechanical Systems

Introduction to the automatic control of aerospace and mechanical systems. Aero/Mech systems modeling, aircraft/spacecraft; computational analysis via MATLAB; frequency-domain techniques for analysis and synthesis; root-locus, Bode, Nyquist. Timeand-frequency-domain relationships. Mech/Aero System simulation.
Prerequisites: MAE 3401, MATH 313, and MATH 340.

MAE 4425: Space Environment

Introduction to properties and effects of the environment in which spacecraft and astronauts must operate. Intensive coverage given to earth-sun-lunar system. Topics include earth?s environment, ionosphere, atmosphere chemistry, radiation belts, magnetosphere, aurora, geomagnetic storms, celestial background, and recent bioastronautic effects.
Prerequisites: PES 112 or equivalent and MATH 340. Meets with MAE 5091.

MAE 4450: Robotics

Dynamics, kinematics, and automatic control of robotic devices. Force and position control, path planning.
Prerequisites: MATH 313, MATH 340, MAE 3401, and MAE 4421. Meets with MAE 5450.

MAE 4510: Engineering Design I

Design principles with the realistic constraints of economy, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics and social impact. Project and team organization to meet design goals. Professional oral and written communication of the design through presentations, memos, reports, and e-mail.
Prerequisites: Senior standing. Meets with MAE 5510.

MAE 4511: Engineering Design II

Project laboratory for the senior or graduate student for the design of a mechanical or electromechanical component, with emphasis on the identification, selection, design, and simulation or fabrication of the component. A successful project is required for completion of the course.
Prerequisites: MAE 4510 and instructor's consent. Meets with MAE 5511.

MAE 5011: Engineering Analysis I

Advanced engineering mathematics, including series solutions for ordinary differential equations (ODEs), laplace transforms, linerar algebra, vector calculus, and Fourier series

MAE 5012: Engineering Analysis II

Topics of Advanced Engineering Mathematics, including Partial Differential Equations, Complex Number Theory and Analysis, Power Series, and Conformal Mapping.

MAE 5091: Space Environment

Introduction to properties and effects of the environment in which spacecraft and astronauts must operate. Intensive coverage given to earth-sun-lunar system. Topics include earth?s environment, ionosphere, atmospheric chemistry, radiation belts, magnetosphere, aurora, geomagnetic storms, celestial background and recent bioastronautic effects.
Prerequisites: PES 112 or equivalent and MATH 340. Meets with MAE 4425.

MAE 5100: Continuum Mechanics

Tensor analysis, index notation, deformation mappings, Eularian/Lagrangian frames, deformation tensors, linearization, body forces, stress tensors, balance laws, variational formulation, optimization, constitutive theory and modeling, thermodynamics, FEM, applications.
Prerequisites: MATH 2350, MATH 3130, MATH 3400, MAE 3201, MAE 3130

MAE 5125: Advanced Dynamics

Analytical dynamics: Lagrange's equations, Hamilton's principle and variational calculus, Routh?s method, Hamilton's equations. Applications in rigid bodies and continuous, nonautonomous, and nonlinear systems. Stability of nonlinear systems with Liapunov's direct method.
Prerequisites: MATH 447 and MAE 4402.

MAE 5130: Incompressible Flow

This course will review the kinematics of fluid motion, the basic laws governing fluid flow, and the Navier-Stokes equations. Exact and approximate solutions to the conservation equations for fluid flow will be examined.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301, MAE 3301, MAE 3130, MAE 3310, MAE 5011

MAE 5131: Computational Fluid Dynamics

This introductory course provides an overview of the underlying numerical methods used in CFD. Students will utilize MATLAB and COMSOL. MATLAB will be used to develop/implement a basic CFD program, providing insights and hands-on experience with the underlying methods used in CFD and the resulting limitations of CFD software. COMSOL will be used to explore a broad range of engineering applications that can benefit from CFD analysis.
Prerequisites: MAE 3130.

MAE 5140: Compressible Flow

Compressible flow dynamics will be investigated including the conservation equations for inviscid and viscous flows. Shock and expansion waves will be studies including methods for solving scenarios involving high Mach number flows. High temperature gas dynamics will also be introduced.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301, MAE 3301, MAE 3130, MAE 3310, MAE 5011

MAE 5301: Advanced Thermodynamics

First and second laws of thermodynamics including heat transfer, work transfer, property relationships and maximum entropy. Entropy generation including lost work, mechanisms, and entropy generation. Thermodynamic formulation, maximum power, reversible and irreversible processes, and optimization in power plants, solar power, and refrigeration. Entropy generation minimization.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301

MAE 5310: Intermediate Heat Transfer

Analytical and numerical conduction techniques including similarity and integral solutions, and separation of variables for one- and two-dimensional transient and steady state problems. Introduction to convective heat transfer including scale analysis, flat plate flow, and internal flow. Introduction to basic principles of mass transfer and radiative heat transfer.
Prerequisites: MAE 3310

MAE 5391: Rocket Propulsion

Basic theory of rocket propulsion, nozzle performance, propellant characteristics. Primary emphasis on the engine system design process, based on mission requirements. Chemical, as well as nuclear, electric, and advanced propulsion concepts are treated.
Prerequisites: MATH 340 and MAE 2301. Meets with MAE 4316.

MAE 5402: System Dynamics

Kinematics, relative motion, and rotation of particles and rigid bodies, including inertia tensors, Euler's angles and equations. Variational principles, work, energy expressions, and Lagrange's equations. Electrical circuits and electromechanical systems.
Prerequisites: MAE 4402.

MAE 5410: Astrodynamics

Rigorous development and application of the fundamental principles of astrodynamics to satellite motion. Study of coordinate systems, time keeping, computation of orbits, introduction to perturbation theory, Kepler?s and Lambert?s problems, linear orbit theory, patched conics method.
Prerequisites: MAE 4402 or consent of instructor.

MAE 5411: Space Operations Analysis

An advanced class in astrodynamics and space mission operations. The primary goal is to present numerical methods useful in evaluating spacecraft trajectories. This will include methods of orbit determination, numerical vehicle targeting, and statistical estimation theory.
Prerequisites: MAE 4410/5410.

MAE 5412: Atmospheric Flight Control

Feedback control of aerospace vehicles operating in the atmosphere (aircraft and missiles). Aircraft and missile stability augmentation and autopilots. Frequency-domain analysis and synthesis, Bode/Nyquist, loop shaping.
Prerequisites: MAE 3420 and MAE 4415/MAE 5415.

MAE 5415: Flight Dynamics

Advanced treatment of the flight dynamics of atmospheric flight vehicles and spacecraft. Rigorous development of non-linear equations of motion, including environmental and propulsive forces. Linearization via small-perturbation methods -limitations; transient response, stability, natural modes. Intro to simulation techniques.
Prerequisites: MAE 3401, MAE 4402 recommended by the instructor. Meets with MAE 4415.

MAE 5417: Modeling and Analysis Dynamic Systems

Unified approach to dynamic systems analysis; method for development of lumpedparameter analytical models for mechanical and electromechanical systems, vehicles, robots, power systems; energy-based state-space formulations; simulation of linear and non-linear systems; perturbation techniques and neighboring trajectories; controllability concepts; modal analysis.
Prerequisites: MAE 3401 and MAE 4421.

MAE 5419: Trajectory Optimization

Optimization of the non-linear dynamics governing trajectories of aerospace vehicles or robots. Calculus of variations and numerical algorithms. Optimal orbit transfer, launch, re-entry, and interplanetary trajectories; robot path planning. Treatment of equality and inequality constraints (e.g., heating, loads). Projects in numerical optimization.
Prerequisites: MATH 313, MATH 340, MAE 2102, and Graduate level linear algebra and astrodynamics recommended.

MAE 5421: Digital Control of Mechanical and Aerospace Systems

A laboratory-based course addressing the feedback control of aerospace vehicles, with special focus on the fact that the control systems will be implemented digitally; zZ-domain systems analysis, discrete loop-shaping synthesis techniques; sample-rate selection; quantization effects; real-time code generation and implementation; hardware-in-the loop testing and validation; aircraft and missile stability augmentation and autopilots, spacecraft attitude control, and control of flexible systems.
Prerequisites: MAE 4421 or ECE 4510.

MAE 5424: Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Determination

Graduate-level treatment of spacecraft attitude dynamics and attitude determination techniques. Vector treatment of 3-D rigid-body rotational spacecraft dynamics, kinematics, Euler angles, quaternions, angular momentum. Attitude matrix, algebraic attitude determination algorithms, intro to dynamic determination techniques.
Prerequisites: MAE 4402 and MATH 313.

MAE 5425: Spacecraft Attitude Control

Graduate-level treatment of attitude feedback-control techniques. Review of attitude dynamics and conventional control analysis and synthesis methods. Loop-shaping design techniques; control-system requirements. Safe-hold algorithms, tracking, regulation control and maneuvering.
Prerequisites: MAE 4421, MAE 5424, and ECE 3610.

MAE 5455: Flight Mechanics

A fundamental study of the trajectory dynamics of aerospace vehicles operating in the atmosphere (aircraft and missiles). Rigid-body equations of motion; vehicle-carried coordinate systems; aerodynamic and propulsive forces; maneuvering flight; introduction to trajectory simulation.
Prerequisites: MAE 4402/MAE 5493, MATH 313 and MATH340. Meets with MAE 4455.

MAE 5456: Spacecraft Actuators and Sensors

Modeling of spacecraft actuators, including momentum wheels, reaction wheels, gas jets, and magnetic torque bars. Modeling of spacecraft sensors, including sun sensors, star sensors, earth sensors, magnetometers, gyros, and GPS.
Prerequisites: MAE 5402 and MATH 340.

MAE 5495: Launch Vehicle Analysis

Theory of rocket performance, nozzle performance, propellant characteristics, staging, throw-weight analysis, launch trajectory analysis, orbit injection. Development of launch-vehicle requirements based on mission requirements.
Prerequisites: MAE 2301, MAE 3130. Prer. or Co-req., MAE 5410.

MAE 5510: Engineering Design I

Design principles with the realistic constraints of economy, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics and social impact. Project and team organization to meet design goals. Professional oral and written communication of the design through presentations, memos, reports, and e-mail.
Prerequisites: Senior/ Graduate standing. Meets with MAE 4510.

MAE 5511: Engineering Design II

Project laboratory for the senior or graduate student for the design of a mechanical or electromechanical component, with emphasis on the identification, selection, design, and simulation or fabrication of the component. A successful project is required for completion of the course.
Prerequisites: MAE 4510/MAE 5510. Meets with MAE 4511.

MAE 5559: Manufacturing Technology and the Factory of the Future

Engineering and technology issues are integrated with management methods and international interaction to examine future developments in manufacturing. Topics include: computer-integrated manufacturing, robotics, flexible automation, expert systems, integration of design and production through databases and telecommunications, the human-machine interface, and manufacturing management information systems.
Prerequisites: MAE 4541/MAE 5574 and MAE 4542/MAE 5575.

MAE 5560: Engineering Project Management

Capstone course involving all components of the manufacturing systems engineering curriculum. Focus on mathematical programming, networks, dynamic programming and tools such as PERT/CPM to model projects, systems and timelines. A major portion of the course is a hands-on project. Written and oral reports are required that meet publication standards for completeness, clarity and technical integrity.
Prerequisites: Graduate status. Meets with ENGR 505.

MAE 5570: Design for Manufacture

Theories and practice for achieving manufacturable designs. Topics include: introduction to manufacturing processes, creativity and design, DFM concepts, design philosophy, company DFM programs, group technology, cost and value analysis, life-cycle engineering, assembly strategies, and human factors.
Prerequisites: ENGR 342 and MAE 2501. Meets with MAE 3560.

MAE 5571: Analysis and Design of Experiments

Statistical methods to design experiments for the design of effective manufacturing systems. Balanced treatment of traditional and modern techniques in experiment design, with emphasis on real-world applications. Processes of planning, collecting data, and analyzing the data are covered.
Prerequisites: Senior/Graduate standing and either ECE 3610 or MATH 381. Meets with MAE 4561.

MAE 5574: Cellular Manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing has become an essential part of most world-class strategies. Investigation of analysis design and implementation of high-performance manufacturing cells. Topics include: key cell design issues, simulation in cell design, techniques for economic evaluation, group technology, just-in-time strategies, and team building in cellular manufacturing.
Prerequisites: MAE 3560/MAE 5570, MAE 4561/MAE 5571 and MAE 4506/MAE 5596. Meets with MAE 4541.

MAE 5575: Contemporary Issues in Manufacturing

Introduction to world class manufacturing including interaction with customers and suppliers, integrated and concurrent manufacturing, and just-in-time production meeting customer requirements, using case analysis, field study, and experiential learning.
Prerequisites: MAE 3560/ MAE 5570, MAE 4561/MAE 5571 and MAE 4506/MAE 5596. Meets with MAE 4542.

MAE 5593: Space Sensor Systems

Introduction to airborne and space based sensor systems and data fusion techniques. The sensor design and performance characteristics of microwave and millimeter wave radar systems, infrared (IR) thermal imagers, and electro-optical (EO) devices will be covered. Additionally, multiple sensor systems, data fusion, and tracking will be discussed.
Prerequisites: MATH 340, PES 112 and MAE 5092.

MAE 5595: Space Mission Analysis

Space environment; spacecraft communication constraints, orbit selection, launch requirements, and communication requirements and development of spacecraft design requirements, as driven by the mission requirements.
Prerequisites: MAE 5410.

MAE 5596: Space Mission Design

A capstone course which includes some review of engineering subsystem technology. Students will be asked to configure and design a spacecraft bus to fulfill missions specified.
Prerequisites: MAE 5595.

MAE 6415: Robust Multivariable Control

Theory and application for multivariable feedback control systems, limitations of achievable performance and stability robustness in the face of uncertainty in the dynamics of the controlled system. Characterization of uncertainty, and robustness analysis. Multivariable synthesis techniques, applications to control of electromechanical systems and spacecraft.
Prerequisites: ECE 5520.

MAE 6430: Optimal Estimation Theory

Theory of optimal estimation, with applications to aerospace navigation; Kalman filtering, and complementary filters, continuous and discrete formulations; observability issues, sensor selection, and numerical methods.
Prerequisites: ECE 4610 or ECE 5610.

MAE 6432: Advanced Astrodynamics

Special and general perturbations including geopotential expansions and other perturbing forces are covered. Also included are circular restricted three-body problems; Jacobi integral and zero velocity curves, and Hamiltonian mechanics including canonical transformations and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation applied to two-body motion. Open to graduate students only.
Prerequisites: MAE 5410 or equivalent.

To access a full catalog, please refer to the UCCS Academic Catalog.