Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate Programs


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

The undergraduate curriculum in mechanical engineering incorporates math, physics and chemistry, humanities/social sciences, business, engineering, electrical theory, measurement science, mechanical engineering core courses (computer-aided drafting, dynamics and controls, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, and heat and mass transfer), and selected technical elective courses.

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering contains two distinct disciplines, Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautical Engineering. Accredited Aerospace Engineering degree programs typically favor one or the other. The B.S. in Aerospace Engineering at UCCS favors the Astronautical Engineering discipline to meet workforce needs.

Minor in Aerospace Engineering

A minor in Aerospace Engineering requires at least 23 credit hours. All classes must be completed with a grade of C or better. The student will be responsible for any prerequisites to required courses. A maximum of 6 hours of transfer work may apply to the minor.

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