Dr. Leal K. Lauderbaugh
Associate Professor • Systems biology, dynamics, and control of mechanical systemsResearch Website
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Lauderbaugh earned his Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (dynamics and control) from the University of Michigan. He has over 20 years of academic experience where he has taught graduate and undergraduate courses and established a nationally recognized program in dynamic modeling and control of mechanical systems. Dr. Lauderbaugh has served on the faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Penn State University and The University of Colorado.Dr. Lauderbaugh also has over 5 years of industrial and management experience in engineering research and product development; as well as entrepreneurial experience through starting and operating a successful engineering and management consulting business.
Dr. Lauderbaugh's research focus is on modeling simulation and control of dynamic systems; specifically, nonlinear systems with time varying dynamics. Much of his early work was applied to manufacturing systems.For the last 5 years, Dr. Lauderbaugh has been working in the areas of systems biology and computational biology.He is conducting basic and applied research in the communication and control strategies of biological cells specifically looking at apoptosis pathways and the role of metabolic strategy in cell signaling and proteomics. This research is being applied to the study of drug resistant cancer cells and neural stem cells response in fetal alcohol syndrome. Dr. Lauderbaugh has a long term interest in the structure and management of multi-disciplinary research teams.In addition to industrial consulting on management for creative product development and product realization, he has formed three large,multidisciplinary research centers. Dr. Lauderbaugh was involved in the starting and management of a NASA center in autonomous robotics for space exploration, an aerospace industry sponsored consortium in automated fastening and an industrial consortium in high speed metal cutting. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado Emerging Leaders program and the Strategic Leadership program from the Center of Creative Leadership.
Recent Publications
- "Analysis of the Effects of Process Parameters on Exit Burrs in Drilling Using a Combined Simulation and Experimental Approach," by L. Ken Lauderbaugh, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Vol. 209, No. 4, Feb.19, 2009, p. 1909-1919.
- "Active Flow Control of a Bluff Body Using the Finite Element Method," by J. Furlong, and L. Ken Lauderbaugh, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Submitted, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2009.
- "The Neural Stem Cells (NSC - C17.2) Die FAS-FAS Ligand Death," by Zamawang F. Almemar, Leal K. Lauderbaugh, Nichole Urban, Susan Schweitzer, Karen Newell, Submitted, Journal of Neurobiology, 2010.
- "Glucose-Dependent Growth in C17.2 is FAS/FASL Dependent," by Zamawang F. Almemar, Leal K. Lauderbaugh, Nichole Urban, Susan Schweitzer, Karen Newell, Submitted, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 2010.
- "Ethanol Induced Death of Neural Stem Cells is FAS Dependent," by Zamawang F. Almemar, Leal K. Lauderbaugh, Nichole Urban, Susan Schweitzer, Karen Newell, Submitted, Journal of Developmental Brain Research, 2010.