Electrical Engineering, BS

Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Science

Program Delivery

On Campus, Online, Hybrid

Total Credits

128 Credits

About the Program

Electrical engineering student working in a lab
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering provides the education needed to make you adaptable as technologies evolve, and successful throughout your career. The curriculum comprises several main components by offering courses in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, science (particularly physics), and core EE subjects.

The BSEE program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program Criteria.

Focus of Study

The educational objectives of the Bachelor of Science degree program in Electrical Engineering are statements that describe the accomplishments of graduates 3-5 years post-graduation:

Illuminate: lifelong learning in electrical engineering

Alumni are expected to learn new and emerging engineering technologies and pursue graduate school or technology careers, including but not limited to technical development, project management, and technical sales.

Investigate: demonstration of electrical engineering principles

Alumni should demonstrate the ability to find and access information relevant to an application under development and have the ability to understand and approach various engineering problems and convert their solutions into engineering products.

Innovate: creative application of electrical engineering principles

Alumni should apply the theory and techniques of electrical engineering to innovative real-world solutions.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has established the following educational outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE). By the time of graduation, students are expected to demonstrate:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The acquisition of the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solution in a global, economic, environmental and social context
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Program Requirements

The BS in Electrical Engineering requires the following:

  • A minimum of 128 hours must be completed with a cumulative CU GPA of 2.0.
  • A grade of “C” or higher in ECE 1411, ECE 2411, and ECE 2610.
  • Completion of an Exit Interview during the final semester before graduation.

Program Coursework

Required Courses
Electrical Engineering Core Courses 44 Credit Hours
  • ECE 1411 - Logic Circuits I
  • ECE 2411 - Logic Circuits II
  • ECE 2050 - Introduction to Physical Electronics
  • ECE 2205 - Circuits and Systems I
  • ECE 3205 - Circuits and Systems II
  • ECE 2610 - Introduction to Signals and Systems
  • ECE 3020 - Semiconductor Devices I
  • ECE 3110 - Electromagnetic Fields I
  • ECE 3210 - Electronics I
  • ECE 3220 - Electronics II
  • ECE 3230 - Electronics Laboratory I
  • ECE 3240 - Electronics Laboratory II
  • ECE 3420 - Microprocessor Systems Laboratory
  • ECE 3430 - Introduction to Microcomputer Systems
  • ECE 3610 - Engineering Probability and Statistics
  • ECE 4890 - Senior Seminar (EE)
  • ECE 4898 - Senior Design Project (EE)


Technical Elective Courses 9 Credit Hours

Additional technical electives may be chosen from the list below, as well as ECE courses at the 3000 or 4000 level.

Other courses in BIOL, CHEM, CS, MAE, MATH, and PES numbered 4000+ may be accepted with a petition completed prior to taking the course.

  • BIOL 3000 - Biostatistics
  • BIOL 3020 - Cell Biology
  • BIOL 3100 - Microbiology: Bacteriology/Mycology
  • BIOL 3140 - Microbiology: Virology
  • BIOL 3220 - Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 3610 - Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 3700 - General Ecology
  • BIOL 3830 - Genetics
  • BIOL 3910 - Immunology
  • CHEM 3001 - Organic Chemistry
  • CHEM 3002 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory
  • CHEM 3101 - Organic Chemistry I
  • CHEM 3102 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
  • CHEM 3111 - Organic Chemistry II
  • CHEM 3112 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
  • CHEM 3203 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors I
  • CHEM 3213 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors II
  • CHEM 4521 - Environmental Chemistry
  • CS 3010 - Web Programming
  • CS 3060 - Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
  • CS 3160 - Concepts of Programming Languages
  • CS 3300 - Introduction to Software Engineering
  • HPNU 3300 - Exercise Physiology
  • MAE 3130 - Fluid Mechanics
  • MAE 3201 - Mechanics of Materials
  • MAE 3401 - Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
  • MATH 3110 - Theory of Numbers
  • MATH 3130 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • MATH 3410 - Introduction to Analysis
  • MATH 3500 - Graph Theory
  • MATH 3510 - Topics in Combinatorial Analysis
  • PES 3060 - Astrophysics
  • PES 3130 - Modern Physics
  • PES 3210 - Classical Mechanics I
  • PES 3410 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • PES 3650 - Nuclear Physics and Energy Technology
  • PES 3670 - Exotic Energy Sources


Electrical Engineering Elective 

14 Credit Hours


Lecture Electives

12 Credit Hours

Complete four of the following:

  • ECE 3120 - Electromagnetic Fields II
  • ECE 4020 - Semiconductor Devices II
  • ECE 4242 - Advanced Digital Design Methodology
  • ECE 4340 - VLSI Circuit Design I
  • ECE 4480 - Computer Architecture and Design
  • ECE 4510 - Feedback Control Systems
  • ECE 4625 - Communication Systems I
  • ECE 4650 - Modern Digital Signal Processing
  • ECE 4910 - Power Systems II

*Students must meet course prerequisites

Lab Electives

2 Credit Hours

Complete two of the following:

  • ECE 3440 - Microcomputer Systems Laboratory
  • ECE 4040 - Introductory VLSI Fabrication Laboratory
  • ECE 4150 - Microwave Measurements Laboratory
  • ECE 4200 - Advanced Digital Design Laboratory
  • ECE 4530 - Control Systems Laboratory
  • ECE 4560 - Digital Control Laboratory
  • ECE 4670 - Communications Laboratory
  • ECE 4680 - Signal Processing Laboratory

*Students must meet course prerequisites


Computer Background Courses 6 Credit Hours
  • ECE 1001 - Introduction to Robotics OR ECE 1002 - Introduction to Robotics
  • ECE 2021 - Computer Based Modeling in C


Mathematics 18 Credit Hours Courses

Required Courses

15 Credit Hours

  • MATH 1350 - Calculus I
  • MATH 1360 - Calculus II
  • MATH 2350 - Calculus III
  • MATH 3400 - Introduction to Differential Equations

Mathematics Elective

3 Credit Hours

Select one MATH course numbered 3110 or above (except MATH 3810).


Basic Science 16 Credit Hours


Required Courses

11 Credit Hours

  • PES 1110 - General Physics I - Calculus Based
  • PES 1120 - General Physics II
  • PES 2130 - General Physics III

Additional Courses

5 Credit Hours

  • BIOL 1300 - General Biology: Organismic Biology
  • BIOL 1310 - General Biology: Organismic Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 1350 - General Biology: Introduction to the Cell
  • BIOL 1360 - General Biology: Introduction to the Cell Laboratory
  • CHEM 1401 - General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 1402 - General Chemistry Laboratory I
  • CHEM 1411 - General Chemistry II
  • CHEM 1412 - General Chemistry Laboratory II
  • GEOL 1010 - Physical Geology
  • GEOL 1020 - Historical Geology
  • PES 1160 - Advanced Physics Lab I - Calc Based
  • PES 2160 - Advanced Physics Lab II

*Students may also complete any other PES courses with a prerequisite of PES 1110. Please talk with an advisor to make sure the courses are approved in the program prior to completion.


For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.

Admission Details

Students working in a lab
Admission Criteria for Freshman Students  
  • Rank in the upper 30th percentile of high school graduating class
  • ACT composite score of 25 or above or an SAT composite score of 1120 or above


Expected High School Work  
  • English - 4 units
  • Math - 4 units (at least two years of algebra, one year of geometry, one year of advanced math)
  • Natural Science - 3 units (one year of physics, one year of chemistry)
  • Social Science - 2 units (government, history, economics, psychology, sociology)
  • Foreign Language - 2 units (all in a single language)
  • Academic Electives - 1 unit

Students that do not meet assured admission criteria can be admitted by the Engineering Committee but are not guaranteed admission to the College of Engineering.


Transfer Students  

Students transferring into the College must have completed at least 13 semester hours and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3, including completion of Calculus I. Students completing 30 semester hours must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 before being admitted into their major, including courses equivalent to MATH 1350, MATH 1360, and either CHEM 1401/CHEM 1402 or PES 1110. All math courses must be completed with a score of “B” or better for admission into the College. The student should understand that engineering degree requirements differ from one campus to another-from course selection to the number of credit hours required for the degree. An official transcript evaluation will be provided when you attend New Student Orientation.


Intra-University Transfer Students  

Students from other colleges at UCCS may transfer to the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Students transferring into the College must have completed at least 13 semester hours at UCCS and have a cumulative CU GPA of at least 3.3, including completion of Calculus I. Students completing 30 semester hours must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at UCCS before being admitted into their major, including MATH 1350, MATH 1360, and either CHEM 1401/CHEM 1402 or PES 1110. All math courses must be completed with a score of “B” or better for admission into the College. Intra-University Transfer guidelines for the BI in Electrical Engineering are the same as for the BS in Electrical Engineering. Intra-University Transfer guidelines for the BI in Computer Science, Computer Security, and Game Design and Development are as follows:

a. A student must complete at least 15 credit hours in LAS with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better AND each course in their intended major, in the Innovation core, and math must be completed with a grade of “C” or better AND they must have the explicit approval of an EAS faculty advisor in their intended major in order to transfer into the College of EAS.

b. A student may transfer into the College of EAS in a BI major without the explicit approval of an EAS faculty advisor in their major if they complete at least 15 credit hours in LAS with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better AND in each course in their intended major, in the Innovation core, and math is completed with a grade of “B” or better.

The Streamlined Application is designed to offer outstanding UCCS students and alumni an expedited application to graduate school in participating programs.

If you are interested in applying, please fill out the regular application. Once you select what you have previously attended UCCS, it will ask you if you will be submitting the streamlined application.

Submit the application, a $60 non-refundable application fee, and all required supporting documents. The GRE is waived for streamlined applicants in Electrical Engineering.

  • Electrical Engineering, MS
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Must be about to graduate or graduated in the last 4 years
  • The application requires 1 recommendation, resume, goal statement