Edward Brown, M.S.
Lecturer Space OperationsBiographical Information
Ed Brown has over 20 years' experience in the space industry as a GPS Mission Planner and Space Shuttle flight controller and navigation analyst. He developed and taught technical training courses to U.S. Air Force satellite operations teams. Mr. Brown has taught courses within the Space Operations program since 2011.
Areas of Interest
- Real-Time Space Operations
- Orbit and Satellite Analysis
- Software Development
- Technical Communication
- M.S., Mathematics/Statistics
University of Houston – Clear Lake - B.S., Aeronautics and Astronautics
University of Washington
- Adjunct Faculty, Webster University
- Guest Lecturer, US Air Force operations teams
Courses Taught
- Fundamentals of Astronautics
- Space Mission Design
Professional Experience
- Lead GPS Mission Planner, Boeing Service Company
- Space Shuttle Navigation flight controller and navigation analyst, Rockwell Space Operations Co.
- Online Teaching Excellence Award AY 13/14, College of Engineering & Applied Science, UCCS
- Online Teaching Excellence Award AY 12/13, College of Engineering & Applied Science, UCCS
- Rockwell Sustained Superior Performance Award
- Instant Compensation Award, Rockwell Space Operations Co.
- Tau Beta Pi, University of Washington
- Sunday School teacher, Grace & St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church