John M. Nicholson, Ph.D., P.E.
LecturerBiographical Information
Morgan Nicholson has been a Systems Engineer for nineteen years. He has led the development of several large programs in the Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Control mission areas. He has published several papers in systems engineering and SSA fields. Morgan works as a consultant at Rationality Engineering Design, Inc. where he provides professional engineering services, consulting, training and forensic engineering. Previously he was a Chief Systems Engineer (CSE) at L3Harris Technologies for several programs. He was a member of the CSE Council and the CSE Discipline Team where he trained Systems Engineering tools and techniques across the company. Before working at L3Harris, Morgan was a Systems Engineer at the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll and an active-duty Air Force Officer and Systems Engineer for the Electronic Systems Center. Morgan remains a member of the US Air Force Reserves. His research involves the theoretical evaluation of engineering design methodologies.
Areas of Interest
- Theory of Systems Engineering
- Agile Systems Engineering
- Conceptual design methods
- Design optimization
- Engineering management
- Ph.D. Systems Engineering, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
- M.E. Systems Engineering, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO
- M.E. Engineering Management, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO
- B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Courses Taught
- Engineering Project Management (UCCS)
- Systems Engineering Processes (UCCS)
- Systems Engineering Theory (L3Harris)
- Systems Engineering Process Course (Harris)
- Chief Systems Engineering Course (L3Harris)
- Agile Systems Engineering (Harris)
- Licensed Professional Engineer (PE), Colorado
- Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP), INCOSE
- Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI
- Certified Professional Engineering Manager, ASEM
- Certified Requirements Engineer – Advanced, IREB
- Certified Tester Expert Level, ISTQB
- Certified Agile Practitioner, PMI
- OCSMP Certified Model Builder, Fundamental
- Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Harris/UAH
- Certified Quality Engineer, ASQ
- Certified Reliability Engineer, ASQ
- Certified Risk Management Professional, PMI
- Certified Modeling and Sim Professional, M&SPCC
- Certified Acquisition Professional, SPRDE, Level 3, DAU
Professional Experience
- Consultant, Rationality Engineering Design, Inc.
- Chief Systems Engineer, Harris Corporation
- Principal Systems Engineer, Exelis Corporation
- Senior Systems Engineer, Kwajalein Range Services
- PARCS Program Branch Chief, USAF Electronics Systems Center
- Eglin Systems Engineer, USAF Electronic Systems Center
- Nicholson, John, “Irrationality in Agile Systems Engineering Methods”, INCOSE Western States Regional Conference, Sept 2021.
- Nicholson, John, “Frequency and Value Loss from Paradoxical Outcomes in Risk Matrices”, INCOSE Western States Regional Conference, Sept 2021.
- Nicholson, John, “Model-Based Systems Engineering: Next Big Thing or Next Big Fad?”, Defense AT&L Magazine, Sept/Oct 2019.
- Nicholson, John M., Collopy, Paul D., “Pugh Controlled Convergence and Social Choice Theory”, ICED 2019.
- Nicholson, John M., Collopy, Paul D., “A Mathematical Evaluation of Engineering Conceptual Design Methods”, SERC Doctoral Students Forum, 2018
- Nicholson, John M., “A Theoretical Critique of Engineering Conceptual Design”, INCOSE WSRC, 2018
- Nicholson, John M., “Agile at Your Own Risk”, Defense AT&L Magazine, July/August 2018 Issue.
- Nicholson J. Morgan, Peterson, Matthew, “Modeling Phased Array Radar Performance Using Queuing Theory” Proceedings of the Industry and Engineering Management Systems Conference, 2018.
- Nicholson J. Morgan, Peterson, Matthew, “Radar Value Modeling” Proceedings of the Industry and Engineering Management Systems Conference, 2018.
- Nicholson J Morgan “The Future of AN/FPS-85 Deep Space Tracking”, 6th NASIC Signatures Conference, Aug 2017
- Nicholson J. Morgan, Gholston, Sampson, “Applying Experimental Design to Improve Phased Array Radar Performance” Proceedings of the Industry and Engineering Management Systems Conference, 2016.
- Nicholson J. Morgan, Gholston, Sampson, “Case Study: Test Time Reduction for Radar Performance Validation in Deep Space”, Proceedings of the 2015 IIE Engineering Lean and Six Sigma Conference, 2015.
- Nicholson, Danielle, Nicholson, Morgan, “Adaptable Radar Engagement Simulator”, UCCS Alumni Newsletter, Aug 2012.
- Nicholson, J. Morgan, "A Guide to Developing Systems Engineers in the AF ", Defense AT&L Magazine, Oct 2012.
- Nicholson, J. Morgan, "Outside Influences on Systems Engineering: A Company Grade Officer’s Observations in the Aftermath of a Difficult Project ", Defense AT&L Magazine, July 2011.
- Harris Leadership in Engineering Achievement Program
- Harris Corporation Technology Innovation Award
- Harris Corporation SIS Quality Cup Award Winner
- Harris SIS President’s Award
- Harris Engineering Leadership Award
- Exelis Emerging Talent Leadership Development Program
- Exelis Sustained Superior Achievement Award
- Air and Space Basic Course (ASBC) Exceptional Performer Award
- International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Colorado Front Range Treasurer 2017-present
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Project Management Institute (PMI)
- National Society for Professional Engineers (NSPE)
- National Academy for Forensic Engineering (AFE)
- American Society for Quality
- Treasurer - INCOSE Colorado Front Range Chapter
- Engineers Without Borders
- Session Chair, INCOSE Western States Regional Conference
- NCEES Volunteer
- Volunteer Judge, Colorado Springs Science Fair