Microelectronics Research Laboratory (MRL)
BST Capacitor tuned VCO and PLL (NSF Sponsored Project)
Tunable devices for RF circuits:
- Single ended and differential Tunable filters with BST capacitors.
- Tunable capacitor based line drivers for communication.
- Switchable and tunable resonators, duplexers and filters.
- BST capacitor based voltage controlled oscillators and phase locked loops.
- Tunable multiband antennas.
- Tunable multiband amplifiers.
- SAW based Torque sensors.
SAW Based Wireless Torque Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring
Additional Resources
MRL is equipped with device processing and characterization. This includes 4000 sq. ft. class 100 clean room with the following processing capabilities:
- Furnaces to grow wet and dry oxide on silicon, perform boron and phosphorous diffusion and annealing on 4” silicon wafers.
- Rapid thermal annealing system.
- Siebert DC magnetron sputtering system for the deposition of metals.
- Mask aligner: OAI and Karl-Suss for aligning patterns on 4”wafers.
- Plasma ashing system.
- Atmospheric plasma cleaning system.
- Ion mill to etch patterns on small size samples to 12” diameter wafers.
- Dektak Profilometer, computerized ellipsometer.
- Microscopes for optical characterization.
- Rapid prototyping machine for the fabrication of devices.
Device Characterization Facility
- Probe station with hot chuck and micromanipulators.
- Micro-soldering station.
- LCR meter, pico-ammeter, programmable power supply, and 4146 Parametric analyzer
- Keysight Vector Network Analyzer, 45MHz-45 GHz with ECAL.
- Keysight 30 MHz Impedance Analyzer.
- Keysight 45GHz Spectrum Analyzer with Phase Noise Measurement module.
- Keysight 50GHz RF source
- Probe station with Cascade Microprobe for on-wafer characterization.
- K and S manual wire bonder.
- Ferroelectric gate based Field Effect Transistors.
- Switching resistor based memories.
- Nano-crystal based memories
- Polarization switching Digital to Analog Converters.
- Microelectromechanical Devices.
- Power device packaging and heat spreading techniques.
- Study of diamond based epoxy for packaging applications.
- Characterization of diamond-epoxy composites for high frequency packaging with improved power dissipation.